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- 2019 06-19
- What is Event management? Event management includes creating and developing large-scale events which might incorporate annual dinners, conferences, conventions, concerts, trade shows, themed parties, and ceremonies. Event management involves identifying target group, formulating event concept, arranging general coordination and conducting overall project management.
- 2018 12-07
- What is the benefit of annual dinner? Annual dinner market scale and strength are improving. For event planning companies, companies are demanding of annual events. The annual meeting is an indispensable process for construction of corporate culture. The annual event planning needs to start with every small detail.
- 2018 12-07
- Skills for selecting event venues in event planning The choice of event venue is important contents in the event planning program. The activity needs to choose suitable venue, which have unexpected effect to the event. But, there are too many venues suitable for activities. Such as hotels, convention centers, restaurants, creative parks, clubs, resorts, art galleries, scenic spots.
- 2018 12-07
- What should be paid attention to in event planning? It is not an easy task to create a practical and effective program of activities. The planning of activities embodies the hard work and brain power of many people. So, what are the precautions for the event planning program? Eagle Focus believes that the most important thing is attraction, feasibility and execution.
- 2018 12-07
- How to plan conference? Forum conferences are available in different scales and types. But success organized forum is not an easy task. Event planning company should control costs and improve quality. So how is the summit forum activity planned? Let us take a look at the answer of Hong Kong event planning company Eagle Focus.
- 2018 12-07
- What is the benefit of choosing an event planning company? Nowadays, there are countless event planning companies. Customers cooperate with event planning company to ensure quality and effectiveness of event, make sure the event can be successful and impressive. Let's see the detailed answers of Eagle Focus HK event planning company.
- 2018 12-07
- What are excellent event planning companies in Hong Kong? Event planning is time-sensitive and communicative. Excellent event plan can highlight a company's brand. Through event planning, we can make things clear what the client needs to express. So, event planning can spread target information which is accurate and comprehensive.
- 2018 12-07
- What are goals and precautions for anniversary celebration? The anniversary celebration is not a simple event. The anniversary celebration symbolizes that a company has taken the right track. It is a grand event to showcase the strength of the company, thank the employees and motivate the morale. So, what are the goals and precautions for the anniversary celebration? Let's take a look at the introduction of Eagle Focus Hong Kong event planning company.
- 2018 12-05
- How to organize event rehearsals? The sequence of organizing rehearsals by Eagle Focus is as follows. 1. Formation of stage staff 2. Convening of team leader 3. Organizing rehearsal
- 2018 12-05
- How to find professional event company in Hong Kong? How to find professional event management companies in Hong Kong? 1. Determine combat experience 2. Determine matching activity case 3. Assess company team 4. Assess large-scale case
- 2018 12-05
- Three important elements of annual dinner plan The annual dinner is a review of the company's work in the previous year. It is an important way to strengthen mutual understanding between enterprises staff. Show company culture to new employee. Successful corporate annual dinner will also involve more humanistic care factors. Eagle Focus introduces you to the three important elements of annual dinner plan.
- 2018 12-05
- Why choose event company? As we all know, event plan company has an important role for many companies. It enhances corresponding popularity and promote their brands. Conducive companies to gain competitive advantage, establish a stable foothold in the competition. So why choose event company?
- 2018 12-05
- Three points of press conference planning Three points of conference planning 1. Key points 2. Communication and publicity 3. Intrinsic routines and processes
- 2018 12-05
- Five steps of event planning Five steps to take event planning: 1. Event theme 2. Background analysis 3. Expected purpose 4. Resource allocation 5. Effective communication